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Digital Technologies and Learning

Our school aims to integrate technology into our day to day teaching and learning in an innovative, exciting and user-friendly way. Our teachers aim to provide engaging, creative ways of digitally supporting our students’ learning. Our students will develop skills that will stand to them in their learning journey and in their future lives.





Every staff member and student has a Google account which is used to log into various educational apps as well as their emails and their Chromebook (so there is only one password to remember).

Students will be using the following apps regularly in school


  • Gmail - for emailing teachers, other students and receiving information

  • Google Classroom - Teachers can ‘post’ work, notes, handouts and information on this secure, user-friendly website. Students can upload their homework and class assignments to this site

  • Google Drive - Cloud storage which keeps all the student's documents, presentations and work safely backed up

  • Google Docs - A word processor where students can type documents

  • Google Slides - A place where students can make PowerPoint style presentations and slideshows

  • Google Jamboard - A live “whiteboard” that students can use for group work, presentations and collaborative learning

  • Google Hangouts Meet - A multi-person video conferencing tool used for group work in class and for facilitating collaborative learning

  • Padlet- A multi-person place where students work collaboratively to create content

For more information on our school’s use of Google-based apps, take a look at this information page from the PDST;

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